There are two ways to register for this year's Gathering:

  • Online
  • US Postal System

Online registration is the fastest, most convenient way to register using our highly-secured, encrypted registration and payment form. Online registrations will be processed and confirmed within a few hours to a few days of receipt. There is a 3% credit card processing fee for registering online.

If you choose to register through the US Postal System (USPS), you will be able to print the registration form from our website. Complete the form and mail it with payment to our office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Please allow time for the mail to be delivered and your check deposited in our office which may take up to 1 - 2 weeks before your registration is processed and your attendance is confirmed. If you pay by credit card on this printed form, the 3% credit card processing fee will be assessed, otherwise, you can mail your payment to us with a Check or Money Order (USD) until August 1 and pay the rate that is found on the form. After August 1, registration will be available through our online registration form, only.

Once your registration is processed by the GNI Business Office through either registration method, you will receive an email entitled, "GNI Gathering Registration Confirmation - Front Gate & Parking Pass" which confirms your attendance at GNI's naked camp. Check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL file if you don't find your confirmation email in your inbox. Confirmation emails are sent within 3 business days from the time you register, many within just a few hours. Before you contact us, please check your spam file.

Be sure to read our Payment, Cancellation, & Refund Policy before you register.


Online Registration


As long as there is community spread of COVID-19, the risk of infection cannot be completely eliminated.
