GNI encourages you to join and support local, national, and international mainstream (i.e., mixed) naturist organizations, clubs, or membership resorts. These entities provide opportunities for naturists to get together in celebration, while some also engage in political, legal defense, public relations, and education and advocacy for naturism. Connect via the links below:
Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
Naturist Education Foundation (NEF)
The Naturist Society Foundation (TNS, in which GNI originated as a special interest group)
South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association (SFFB/FNA) — Regional TNS affiliate with which GNI partners on public events, advocacy, and other projects.
Also, B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and charitable adjunct to SFFB.
Beach Ambassador training. SFFB co-hosts this program with B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute. Beach Ambassador (BA)
Beach trainings are usually scheduled quarterly. Most occur on Haulover Beach in Miami, FL, but they occasionally take place elsewhere to benefit other current or potential clothing-optional beaches.* BAs are volunteers that serve as beach monitors and greeters, a combination of block watch and welcome wagon. For their service, BAs at Haulover Beach get a cool hat, ID badge, and free parking on their duty days. Seasonal residents are welcome to participate.
Gay outreach: The north end of the clothing-optional section of Haulover Beach is the part that’s most popular with the guys, but it doesn't have sufficient BA coverage. SFFB and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. are reaching out to gay patrons of Haulover Beach who frequent the north end and have the community knowledge and sensitivity to perform well there as BAs.
Check dates of upcoming trainings and get more info and register. If you have any questions or wish to sign up for a training session, contact Ken.
* There are also active Beach Ambassador programs operating under the Haulover Beach model for Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL under the auspices of the Friends of Blind Creek Beach committee of Treasure Coast Naturists and for Bates Beach in Carpinteria, CA under the auspices of the Friends of Bates Beach division of Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA).