Make checks or money orders payable to "GNI". Please allow mail time and processing before you receive your confirmation email which may take up to 1 - 2 weeks.
Please note that you will not be able to send a printed form to register after August 1. Registration will be online and payment will be made by credit card only at that time.
Print this FULL REGISTRATION PACKET. Note: if you pay by credit card, you will be assessed the 3% credit card processing fee.
This registration packet includes all information, FAQ's, and forms
Note: if you pay by credit card, you will be assessed the 3% credit card processing fee.
Single Bus Transportation Form
Mail completed form(s) with payment in full to:
44 W King St
Lancaster PA 17603-3809
Once your registration is processed by the GNI Business Office you will receive an email entitled, "GNI Gathering Registration Confirmation - Front Gate & Parking Pass" which confirms your attendance at GNI's naked camp. Check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL file if you don't find your confirmation email in your inbox.
Never mind, I'd rather register online.